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We need prayer...lots of it! If you feel led, would you please remember us when you're in your prayer closet for these needs:


 1.  First, finances! We need the Lord to provide the means so we can acquire the provisions (land, plants, trees, animals, etc.) necessary for our teaching ministry. 

2.  Help. Yep, we don't have the ability to take on this task all by ourselves, so we need skilled and able-bodied people to help out. If it means hiring, then we need the funds to pay them, but we're praying the Lord will send His people our way.

3.  We need the ten-percenters to step up and join us (the ten percent of God's people who are actually willing to do the leg work). Once we are able to acquire the land, we will need all types of construction workers, herbalists, botanists, arborists, animal experts (domestic farm), non-denominational preachers and teachers, childcare workers... you don't need a degree or even schooling, just a willing heart for service!

4.  The questions of the whole project. Where does HE want this project to lead? Who does HE want us to serve?

Thank you again for your prayers...they are very much coveted as we embark on this exciting journey!

Share Your Prayer Needs!

We'll be praying!

...feeding the lambs.

Mail: 303 E. 16th St Ste D219
Douglas, AZ 85607

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