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Image by Josh Mills

We are a fledgling, start-up ministry, trusting in the Lord to provide the way for the mission He's laid on our hearts. So, we don't have a lot of specifics just yet, but we can tell you what we've been called to do:

1.  Ministry


Provide valuable help in teaching others how to survive in the uncertain times we're facing. We want our brethren to not fear, to have courage to face the challenges we may be facing in the very near future.

We will also donate the food we grow to those in need.

2.  Where


This is up to the Lord to provide! Depending on funding, we hope to purchase a small farm that is already set up for our needs.

3.  Funding

We will be privately funded, as well as using our own resources to provide for the ministry's needs. We have deemed it unfeasible and unwise to accept any governmental funds, as we do not ever want to be under the thumb of any who might deter us from our ministry. When everything is set in place, we will work with charity watch organizations so that it is clear we are operating above-board in all aspects.

4.  Values

God first, family second, everything else third. For more on what we believe and our ministry's purpose, click here.


As Christians, we uphold the tenets of the faith. "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive'." Acts 20:35

For any questions, please contact us.

...feeding the lambs.

Mail: 303 E. 16th St Ste D219
Douglas, AZ 85607

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